Monday, December 10, 2007

Good News for Harper - Grope and Flail

CTV is reporting that a new Strategic Counsel polls has global warming as the major concern of 1 in 3 of us.

The poll was conducted on behalf of CTV and The Grope and Flail.

The Grope and Flail hasn't yet figured out how to frame it as being supportive of the Harperites though they have Wreck Smurfee working feverishly, forehead to the grindstone, to come up with something.

The forehead is winning.

A few other highlights:

"39 per cent think that Canada's foreign policy is less independent than 50 years ago

25 per cent believe that Canada's relationship with U.S. is the major factor influencing domestic foreign policy today

Only 5 per cent say that the Canada-U.S. relationship should be the major factor influencing Canadian foreign policy today

33 per cent believe saying 'no' to involvement in Iraq is Canada's greatest foreign policy achievement

10 per cent say signing NAFTA was the greatest foreign policy achievement while another 10 per cent say it's the current mission in Afghanistan"

All pretty good news for the Harperites I'm sure. As soon as the Grope and Flail tells me how.

Wouldn't it be interesting if the results we actually available to examine independent of the media spewing heads?

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