Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A little more from the Reform Heartland

Let's pour a little more fuel into this fire. You know that "sense of entitlement" we hear about when the conservative/reformers yap on about liberals or anybody else that doesn't worship their doctrine. Well...
Alberta's auditor general has revealed a case of runaway credit card debt by a former aide to Mark Norris when he was Alberta's minister of economic development.

The report says Sasha Angus, who was executive assistant to Norris for three years beginning in 2002, resisted repeated attempts to collect $30,000 in personal expenses that he charged to his credit card.

Angus eventually repaid the money, but the auditor says taxpayers were forced to cover the credit card interest charges. Angus is no longer with the government and has left the province. He could not be reached for comment.

Yeah. I wonder? If you're the kind of person who uses a credit card but pays it off completely with the arrival of each statement you don't pay interest - on your own credit card. How would you feel knowing that you're paying the interest on somebody else's?

Using a government-issued credit card for anything than its intended purpose is a clear breach of public trust even if the intention is to pay back the money.

H/T reader Cat

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