Thursday, October 04, 2007

Harper's step over the line

I don't care if Harper wants to engage in political chicken with his opposition. If he wants to play slap-head with other politicians, that's fine.

But during yesterday's "first ever" press conference he stepped over a particular line which shows he is unfit to lead anything. When referring to his so-called "moral responsibility" as a reason for maintaining a combat force in Afghanistan:
He said the mission is a moral responsibility to not only the families of the 71 Canadians who've lost their lives in the conflict, but to the people of Kandahar and NATO allies.
Fuck you, Harper!

I wondered how long it would take this shiftless little prick to invoke that line. Let's get something clear, that is not a reason to remain in any mission at any time. There can be one or a hundred other reasons but that one is off-limits.

What Harper has suggested is that the Canadian commitment to Afghanistan is now the Canadian Memorial Mission in Afghanistan.

He is now wagging his finger at us, telling us that we can't depart Afghanistan, ever, because those combat deaths would become a waste.

Message for Harper: All combat deaths are a waste, you slimy little puke. It doesn't matter whether you win, lose or withdraw. Given the stalemate that became Korea, and a mere armistice which did not result in a permanent peace, by your definition all 516 Canadian combat deaths in that conflict were a waste. Given the tenuous success of peacekeeping missions since post-World War II, the deaths of 111 troops on peacekeeping operations were a waste.

We don't need this ambitious ghoul as a prime minister.

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