Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ah, REAL Journalism Does Exist . . . .

CBC's On The Map series with Avi Lewis has been mentioned before in MTV for it's excellence in journalism.

With the recent release of Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine it seems appropriate to mention the show again. You see, Ms. Klein is the partner of Avi Lewis. One can see one reason they have hooked up: They are both more than capable journalists.

While perusing the archives of the show, I came across two clips relating to the Iraq oil law and how the profits will be "divided" amongst the principals. The lead up to Avi's interview with John Bolton is located here and it gives a great synopsis of the process involved in formulating the final oil program.

The Bolton interview, in which Avi more than holds his own with the fuzzy-faced Bolton follows in it's entirety:

Peruse through the archives and you, too, will be looking forward to the return of the series in November . . . .

(Cross-posted from Moving to Vancouver)

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