Thursday, August 09, 2007

Obama does a Dubya

Women may think he's sexy, but he's got a lot to learn about the country next door.
U.S. Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama has been trying to burnish his foreign policy credentials.

So it didn't help when he called Canada's leader a "president" during a debate Tuesday in Chicago.

Asked what he'd do about the North American trade deal, Obama said it needs changes, so he'd "immediately call the president of Mexico (and) the president of Canada."

"Our trade agreements should not just be good for Wall Street, it should also be good for Main Street," he told his union audience.

When it comes to global affairs, Obama has been sparring with his first-place rival Senator Hillary Clinton, who's intent on showcasing her experience and his rookie status.

She didn't mention the Canada slip.

Yeah, well, Joe Biden did.

The glitch was not seized upon by the other candidates, although Senator Joseph Biden did make a point of referring to the "prime minister of Canada" immediately after Obama misspoke.
Good on him.

Message for Obama: We live on the same block ferchrissakes. If you're going to talk trade deals, learn a little about your next-door neighbour. We're a sensitive lot. Don't hang your head, don't pout and don't bother apologizing. And just for your information, the guy you're trying to replace was no better. The only person you impressed with that screw-up was Steve Harper, and he can't vote for you.

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