Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The hypocrite cries hypocrisy

Via Canadian Cynic, Adam Daifallah goes on a bit of a rant over the hypocrisy of Laurie David. He didn't put the pins in the points; the unfortunate David Frum did that and Daifallah simply added comment and traction to one of the world's worst pieces of human excrement.

The truth is, I don't read Daifallah. He doesn't have much appeal.

However, I would have agreed with his point: Laurie David does have a problem with "walking the walk" after she "talks the talk".

So does Daifallah.

This line of his offering stands out.
The Left advances their agenda through their spending choices (fair trade coffee, etc...) and we should too.

So, suddenly Fair Trade Coffee is a "left" issue? You'd think Daifallah actually knew something about Fair Trade Coffee which basically operates on the expectation that North American importers of coffee will pay at least $1.26 per pound for green beans.

How ensuring that field workers are paid enough to actually survive and avoid what amounts to sweat shop conditions is a "left" issue is beyond comprehension. At least for a thinking human being.

Well then, using Daifallah's assertion that all things are so polarized one might assume that the people who rush to join the armed services in a time of war, particularly now, are all war-banging right-wingers.

Yet, from personal experience, I can tell you that among those in the armed forces who possess defined political views, when the bullets actually start to whiz by the kevlar, a right-winger in the form of Adam Daifallah is as hard to find in the battlespace as a pimp at a policemen's ball.

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