We won our category! Best Group Blog.
I have to say I'm a little awed and very thankful to all those who voted for us. It was an honour to be nominated but I never expected we would stand out like that.
I guess it pays to snivel and grovel. And I did it fully clothed!
Congratulations to the winners and runners-up in all categories. A big high-five to all who participated. If there's one thing blog awards do it is to expose some great writing, fantastic humour and some great imagination. I read a lot of blogs, new and older, which I had never known about before this.
Many thanks to Robert at My Blahg for putting the Canadian Blog Awards together and doing all the work. They simply wouldn't exist without his time and effort.
Again, thanks to all who voted and participated and a big thank-you Dana, Cheryl, Boris and Laura whose contribution to this project provides diversity, flavour and thoughtful posts.
As promised, if we won, we have this first offering for everyone.

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