Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Smoke, mirrors and deception - The Conservative way

I was more than a little surprized when I read this in the G&M this morning.

The Conservative government has used an extraordinary “national security” clause to take control of $8-billion in recently announced military spending, allowing it to dole out contracts to the West, Quebec and the Atlantic.

The federal government lost the power to steer contract work to specific parts of the country with the 1994 signing of the Agreement on Internal Trade with the provinces. But as part of the continuing purchase of new planes and helicopters, the government has decided to invoke a national-security exception (NSE), which effectively removes these contracts from reach of the agreement.
So much for honest and transparent government. This is dishonesty at its height. There is no national security imperative and it renders down to opportunistic manipulation by government in an attempt to hide the truth. This kind of maneouvre opens the door to any number of perils from heavy lobbying to possible corruption in the awarding of contracts.

For an excellent analysis, take in Accidental Deliberations post on it.

And for even more of what we already knew to be true it's worth reading Ted's tax story at Cerberus. Considering Stevie Harper said this:

I understand that not everyone is lucky enough to be born into a rich family, to attend private schools, or to live an international lifestyle," he said. "Instead, millions upon millions of people wake up each and every morning, and get ahead the Canadian way. By working hard, by saving a bit of money, by doing the best they can to make the right decisions for themselves and their families, these people are our people.
He might want to explain why he stiffed the unwashed masses, "his people", with a tax increase.

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