Stephen Harper just had Gwyn Morgan stuffed up his nose:
Gwyn Morgan, the former president and CEO of energy company EnCana Corp., had been appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to head the new public appointments commission. But Morgan was rejected in a 6-5 vote by the Commons government operations committee on a motion sponsored by NDP MP Peggy Nash.Not that Morgan is a Conservative party hack, or anything like that.
Nash said she considered Morgan unsuitable because of recent remarks he made about immigrants.
Morgan raised eyebrows in a Feb. 22 speech in Toronto when he questioned the wisdom of multiculturalism, saying it could divide Canadians rather than unite them. Last year, Morgan linked Canada's gang-violence problem to immigration from places such as Jamaica and Indochina, "where culture is dominated by violence and lawlessness."
"What we had was a kangaroo court, where the decision was predetermined and where the reputation of Canada's top business leader was run into the gutter for short-term political reasons," Kenney said.From the mouth of a bigoted swine. One thing Jason Kenney can speak of with authority is the view from the gutter. Just so Kenney has this straight, what we had was not a kangaroo court - it was a democratic process. How inconvenient for him.
Harper could have put Morgan into the job unilaterally but decided to withdraw him from consideration, a move that effectively kills the commission.Oh please, don't quit now. Name somebody else.
The appointments commission was to have developed guidelines and overseen the selection process for appointments to agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations.
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