Saturday, November 22, 2008

effing nazis (updated)

Dr. Dawg and Mattt have posts up about the recent outing of British National Party members.

My view: I put the BNP in the same category as paedophiles and serial killers. Out them. Humiliate them. Banish them. They are a danger to the peaceful, tolerant society. No quarter given, especially if they hold public office. Rights arguments do not apply to these people as they pursue an agenda that when allowed to manifest in the past, has led to a genocidal absence of rights. They do not get to claim the protection of the very things they seek to destroy.

Update: Blogmate Rev. Paperboy draws attention to the General's Inner Frenchman. The General contacted some US members of the BNP and found:

I expected to find crazed supremacists, but instead found victims. Many of the responses were like this one:

...I was abused and suffer from PTSD. White Nationalists target the abused, hurting and vulnerable and they offer them help and friendship. They slowly suck you in and like many cults you find yourself saying things you don't really mean. One day I woke up and that is why I started to back away.
I've seen a bit of work on the life histories of skinheads. Many have had unstable, impoverished, and abusive childhoods, finding community and someone to blame in joining hate movements. Others, no doubt, are just inherently nasty people. But it is interesting, although not surprising, to see the first phenomena emerge where the educated middle-class actively participates in the BNP for the same reasons.

This is also something to keep in mind as we move into a severe recession or depression. Organised hate thrives in uncertainty because people are vulnerable and therefore targets of these movements. The spectrum of rightwing organisations already content to point fingers at gays, Muslims, "liberals", and others may find their ranks swell.

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